Augmented reality graces Grazia cover

One of Britain’s most popular handbag fillers Grazia, launched today with a very interesting marketing gimmick. If you buy the issue (or steal it) you can access special augmented reality content through use of a webcam or iPhone.

Simply go to a specific web address, hold the magazine up to a web cam and watch cover star Florence Welch come to life and sing & dance. It’s all very clever and it’s a grand marketing tool as this story has made all the news sites and will no doubt help shift a few more copies.

The interesting thing here is the iPhone compatibility. I have no doubt that augmented reality systems will make a big impact over the coming years, and devices such as the iPhone or Android capable phones seem to handle it pretty well. But when you can combine a 3G enabled mobile device with a print advert or piece of packaging we will start to see some truly innovative advertising concepts.

For more info regarding some possible augmented reality systems, check out this talk from

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